Although our main activity is the research and development of new composite materials for launch on the market, one of our priority objectives is social commitment and contribution to the construction of a better world. Therefore, through coordination and participation in Erasmus Plus Program projects, we promote the inclusion of young people in serious situations of exclusion or obstacles. At IKASIA we believe that every entity, whether public or private, has a commitment to helping others in all those fields that are possible.

One of our priority objectives is to promote gender balance and the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities

We contribute to the inclusion and employability of young people with obstacles through projects such as «VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES»

We have provided them with useful tools to carry out work practices so that these young people have their first work experience in a motivating and attractive job where they have participated in the development of innovative projects and improved their resume for access to the labor market.

We consider that technology is not only about offering innovative proposals to improve manufacturing processes, but is also a commitment to social improvement.

We contribute to the inclusion and digitalization of young people with obstacles through projects such as «VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS IN TECH CENTERS»

We have implemented a SYSTEM OF VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP IN TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES that contributes to digitalization and allows these young people to face the current situation and achieve real opportunities for employability and inclusion in the technology sector in the new post-COVID19 reality.

Since 2015, we have been creating mechanisms and tools that promote the social, labor and personal inclusion of young people with obstacles.

Thanks to the collaboration with various entities we have achieved various achievements such as:

Have a real impact on the lives of many VET students in situations of exclusion, offering them real opportunities for employability and inclusion.

Contribute to reducing school dropout and unemployment rates in middle-grade training cycles in segregated areas reflected by the latest Eurostat 2022 and according to the assessments of participating educational centers.

Implement a VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP SYSTEM FOR VET STUDENTS WITH OBSTACLES IN TECHNOLOGICAL COMPANIES that has already led 14 short-term virtual mobilities that have involved VET students at risk of exclusion and teachers from 3 educational centers in Spain and Greece.

Implement an INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN TECHNOLOGY CENTERS that has already led 7 long-term in-person mobilities that have improved the curriculum of VET students with obstacles and favored their inclusion.

That the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece will implement the educational software for mobile applications “On your Side”, created by Ikasia in collaboration with various entities. This software allows you to coordinate and track mobilities, while being a really useful tool for the inclusion of participants in the destination country.

Create learning simulators that allow young people with obstacles to acquire key skills and competencies for their digitalization, employability and inclusion through a simulator environment such as that of a specific job position.