In the 2022 aid resolution in the educational field of Vocational Training of the Erasmus Plus Program, the Spanish National Agency -SEPIE has awarded us the project «BUILDING THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE: COMPANIES AND EDUCATIONAL CENTERS FACING THE CHALLENGE OF THE ORGANIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF A MORE INCLUSIVE AND DIGITAL VET. (FUTURVET)”.
The European Union has begun a path for vocational training that is more adapted to the new socio-labour reality, as well as for this type of training to become one of the pillars of economic reconstruction. To this end, it has begun a path that will make this type of training more flexible, adapting it to more user profiles and where companies have greater participation in the training processes, not only hosting a greater number of internships (significantly promoting dual learning) but also assuming direct responsibility in teaching content.
All of Europe is heading towards this horizon of vocational training, but it has been Spain that has taken one of the first steps with the new Organic Law on the Organization and Integration of Vocational Training approved on December 16, 2021.
A new Law that restructures VET into five levels, promotes the hiring of internship students (compulsory in the FPDual), favors internationalization and greatly enhances the educational role of companies that will be decisive and will play a role that they have never had before .
However, the path for the implementation of this new law is not easy and will require a great effort, both on the part of teachers and companies.
On the one hand, teachers will have to transform all their didactic programs, teaching methodologies and contents to professional training with more practices where the company has a predominant role in the training process. But they must also manage to convince enough companies willing to accept this new internship system where, in most cases and especially in the dual, they will require the full employment of these students.
On the other hand, companies must train their teams so that they can develop educational content, restructure their internship plan to assume the new labor costs derived from internships and promote formal education in their work centers without this implying a decrease in your performance.
Finally, we run the risk that these changes leave aside many students with obstacles, who are unable to overcome the obstacles posed by this new professional training (finding companies where they can do internships because companies do not want students with their profile or choose students with more ease in achieving educational objectives as they do not suffer from so many barriers), drop out of school by closing one of their main doors for social, personal and labor inclusion that takes them out of exclusion.
And all this must be done in a very short period of time, since it is expected that in 2028 the new law will be fully implemented in Spain and the rest of the European countries will have taken significant steps along the same path.
With the project BUILDING THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE: COMPANIES AND EDUCATIONAL CENTERS FACING THE CHALLENGE OF ORGANIZING AND INTEGRING A MORE INCLUSIVE AND DIGITAL VET, we propose the creation of a strategic network between technology-based companies (with experience in the field of inclusive professional training) and professional training centers that allow (through the exchange of experiences and networking) the creation of materials and guides that pave the way for teachers to implement a new, more inclusive and oriented professional training. to the work environment, and especially allow Spanish teachers to implement the new law more easily thanks to having the support of networks already created and with tools that guide them.

- THE TEACHER IN FRONT OF A NEW, MORE INCLUSIVE VT MODEL. A result that guides the teacher of technological media cycles to adapt their work to the new configuration.
We propose a guide that not only explains the consequences of the new professional training models for teachers, but also provides them with methods and tools to adapt their work to the new changes that are taking place in VT. - A NEW FP, A NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR THE TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. Manual for teachers and educational centers (heads of studies, heads of technological departments, directors…) that provides them with effective strategies to convince companies to host internships for VET students, offering them interesting aspects, resources to promote the virtualization of the work carried out and responses to the questions that will surely assail whoever they contact. In addition, we will offer a list of companies, promoters of this project, capable of mediating and helping in this process.
- TRAINING COURSE FOR COMPANIES ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE NEW MOBILITIES. This course will show the attractiveness of the new educational model and the opportunities it offers to the company, while helping them to modify their practices and generate the necessary figures for it, such as the dual tutor in the workplace.
It will facilitate the reception of internships for VET students with obstacles in technology companies, especially abroad, thereby promoting the internationalization of both the company and the educational center. - MANUAL FOR VET STUDENTS: THE FP MAY BE THE PATH TO THE TECHNOLOGICAL FUTURE. A document aimed at explaining to the students themselves the new VT model and the adaptation to the technological sector that we propose.
- A WEB PLATFORM FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE NEW VET that not only makes visible the new Vocational Training model that is being implemented in Europe, but also provides a resource guide and mechanisms to implement it.
- CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING FOR WORKERS-TUTORS. A certificate generated by the network that certifies the capacity of the dual tutor, which can be very interesting for educational centers as a reference for the adaptation of the company to the new FP.