In the resolution of the call for aid for 2019 in the educational field of the Erasmus Plus Program, the project “VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking” has been the second best valued in the field of professional training by the Spanish National Agency-SEPIE.
This project proposes to promote in VET students the development of technological and digital skills along with the development of critical thinking, through the implementation of a VET student mobility network in high-tech centers that allow the realization of an innovative system of practices in technological companies based on virtual tools, collaborative work methodologies and virtual training materials.
Likewise, this project continues and complements the “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams” initiative.
The partners of this project are seven prestigious entities: IKASIA TECHNOLOGIES, IES POLITÉCNICO DE CARTAGENA and CIFP HESPÉRIDES of Spain, SOMATICA and UNIVERSIDAD DO MINHO of Portugal, EPALGEMATIKO LYKEIO KATO ACHAIAS of Greece and SMALLCODES of Italy.
This project proposes to promote in VET students the development of technological and digital skills along with the development of critical thinking, through the implementation of a VET student mobility network in high-tech centers that allow the realization of an innovative system of practices in technological companies based on virtual tools, collaborative work methodologies and virtual training materials.
Likewise, this project continues and complements the “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams” initiative.
The partners of this project are seven prestigious entities: IKASIA TECHNOLOGIES, IES POLITÉCNICO DE CARTAGENA and CIFP HESPÉRIDES of Spain, SOMATICA and UNIVERSIDAD DO MINHO of Portugal, EPALGEMATIKO LYKEIO KATO ACHAIAS of Greece and SMALLCODES of Italy.